
Our Nepal Project

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Bringing new sanitation units to schools in southern Nepal

The Rotary club of Dover has a proud record of supporting many good causes within our community. The very first project the club embraced back in 1922 was to create a Boot Fund so that local youngsters did not have to attend school barefoot. 

Our soul is embedded with heart of the Dover community and our support is ongoing. 

But we also belong to a wider, global network of clubs who comprise Rotary International and so we also support other communities around the world who face grim, daily challenges. 

To that end, we have linked up with the Rotary Club of Dhulikhel to improve the lives of children attending two school in southern Nepal. The Shree Ichhewor School in Bardibas has 312 students, 16 teachers and 10 toilets, none of which I guarantee you would like to use. The Shree Rashtriya School Dhanushadham, Janakupar fares even worse with 200 students and zero toilets. That's right, not a single toilet in the whole school. So whilst boys might use a handy bush, girls will have to seek the facilities in local houses. Want want to improve the lives of the children in those two communities. 

We support communities both in Dover and elsewhere.

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Our project will see the installation of full WHO standard toilet blocks at each school along with proper drainage and full washing facilities. There will also be a programme of basic maintenance instruction for the staff and a full personal hygiene programme for the students at each school. 

THE BOTTOM LINE - $48,000 

Sounds like a lot of money!

Well, it is a lot of money, but we don't have to find it all. We can apply for a Global Grant from the Rotary Foundation. All cash we raise for this project will be matched 50% by the Rotary Foundation. 

It gets better; we can access money from our Rotary District - something called District Designated Funds (Or DDF). These DDF will be matched a further 80% by the Global Grant. 

You can donate by clicking here, and help us make a difference! 

From a female aspect

In some areas of the world, girls face significant challenges when they experience their menstrual period. The outdated stigma attached to this natural process, coupled with practical difficulties in obtaining suitable sanitary supplies, often prevents girls from attending school during these periods. This directly impacts their education and their ability to pursue career opportunities. We are fundraising to address this pressing issue and support these girls in need.

 Your contribution will make a meaningful difference in providing access to essential sanitary supplies and empowering these girls to continue their education without interruption. Together, we can break down barriers and create a brighter future for these young individuals.

 Your support will help us create a brighter future for these children and contribute to improving overall health and well-being in Southern Nepal.