Robin Dodridge's profile photo

Robin Dodridge

Vice President
Director of Port Operations (Retired)

Lives in Shepherdswell with wife, Hilary.  Born in London of a Man of Kent and a Yorkshire lass.  Raised in the Home Counties, mainly Sussex.  

Went to Uni in Leeds and graduated as a Civil Engineer.  Loved working on various construction sites.  Came to Dover to work on sea walls and ferry berths.  

Joined Dover Harbour Board (DHB) in 1980, intending only to stay for two years and retired 34 years later!  Switched careers in 1990 from engineering to operations but liken the latter to having a huge train set to play with…great fun 😊.  Eventually picked up responsibility for everything that moved in the Port, ashore and afloat.

Fortunate to have two children, Emma and Ben, now both in their 40s and a granddaughter, Ella.  

Joined Rotary in 1993 and served as Club President (of South Foreland) twice.  

Interests are golf, occasional rugby and football (I have been known to watch Dover Athletic at The Crabble), motorsports, gardening and painting (both watercolour and the off-springs’ houses!).