We’re Going to Buy a Rapid Response Vehicle for the Air Ambulance
- Robin Dodridge, VP
- Monday, 21st October 2024

The Rotary Club of Dover is linked with over 70 other Clubs in the South-east District, number 1120. Our District has launched an appeal to raise £50,000 by this Christmas to enable Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex (AAKSS) to purchase a replacement Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) and we, in Dover, are fully committed to supporting that appeal.
The cost of purchasing the vehicle and equipping it with the wrapping, blue lights etc will be £50,000. This initially seems like a big ask however when we look more closely it is clear that actually it is a very achievable figure.
There are around 1660 Rotarians within our District so this works out at about at £30 to be raised per member. We want to raise this money by Christmas so we have 3 months to do this. We have our fingers and toes crossed that we can show the power of Rotary as everyone, not just Rotarians but also friends, family, colleagues and businesses throughout the South-east District, works together to make this happen.
You may ask why there is a need for a RRV as it can’t transport patients – surely we have the ambulance service – that is a very valid question.
Whilst the Rapid Response Vehicles are unable to carry patients they carry the same equipment as the helicopter together with a doctor and a high-level paramedic who are able to deliver life-saving interventions to give enough time for patients to reach the hospital by road. The team works closely with the ambulance service and often travels with them and cares for the patients whilst they are transported to the hospital. It is therefore critical that there is a reliable and safe fleet of specially equipped cars.
The cars can be used in situations where it is not safe for the helicopter to fly or land such as high winds or poor visibility or to provide an additional opportunity if the helicopter is already in use.
In 2023 the AAKSS attended 3328 missions of which 43% were undertaken by using the Rapid Response Vehicle and they were required to reach all parts of our area – please see the map below:

We would like to be able to purchase the vehicle by the end of the year and so we would be grateful if you could share this appeal as widely as possible. You may of course wish to organise an event yourselves or with others to raise money specifically for this appeal, or you may wish to approach friends, colleagues etc. Do let us know if you plan to do something. Alternatively, you may simply wish to make a personal donation. Remember every little helps us reach our target. Obviously as time is of the essence in this case we would be grateful for any contributions to be made as soon as practicable.
Donations can be made to Rotary International district 1120
Sort Code 40-43-44 Account Number 21555650
Ref: RRV plus your local Rotary Club’s name (you can look up your local Club on line)
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Peter Conetta on 07973 541466 / peter@conetta.org.uk