District Conference 2024
- Robin Dodridge, VP
- Monday, 21st October 2024

Over the weekend of 18th-20th October, we held our annual Rotary district conference in sunny (sometimes) Eastbourne.
We had three days of inspirational, informative and funny speakers. I was particularly struck by Val Howe who leads 'Coats for Kids' and, of course, the RNLI represented by the local Eastbourne station. Perhaps most thought provoking was Geoff Grieve, an ex Special Branch Det. Super, who explained the ins and outs of human trafficking and modern slavery. Finally, I must mention Steve Pateman...the real purveyor of 'Kinky Boots'. And of course, there were lots of inspirational organisations represented in the Rotary Showcase including international regulars such as ShelterBox, Water Aid, Mercy Ships and Mary's Meals along with exhibitors who work closer to home such as Hi Kent, the Spinal Injuries Association, Kind Winter the Air Ambulance (see our separate news story about the Rapid Response Vehicle project) and Rotary Radio...all brilliant.
The entertainment started of with a gig by The British Carpenters who were sensational. Our Saturday night gala dinner entertainment was provided by music-meister Nick Bosworth, a regular Rotary contributor, who ensured that the dance floor was filled from the get-go as ably demonstrated by our senior couple, Don (our District's Foundation lead) and Ev!